VirTex Model Zoo ================ We provide a collection of pretrained model weights and corresponding config names in this model zoo. Tables contain partial paths to config files for each model, download link for pretrained weights and for reference -- VOC07 mAP and ImageNet top-1 accuracy. The simplest way to download and use a *full* pretrained model (including both, the visual backbone and the textual head) is through :doc:`../model_zoo` API as follows. This code snippet works from anywhere, and does not require to be executed from project root. .. code-block:: python # Get our full best performing VirTex model: import virtex.model_zoo as mz model = mz.get("width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml", pretrained=True) # Optionally extract the torchvision-like visual backbone (with ``avgpool`` # and ``fc`` layers replaced with ``nn.Identity`` module). cnn = model.visual.cnn Alternatively, weights can be manually downloaded from links below, and this can be executed from the project root: .. code-block:: python from virtex.config import Config from virtex.factories import PretrainingModelFactory from virtex.utils.checkpointing import CheckpointManager # Get the best performing VirTex model: _C = Config("configs/width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml") model = PretrainingModelFactory.from_config(_C) CheckpointManager(model=model).load("/path/to/downloaded/weights.pth") # Optionally extract the torchvision-like visual backbone (with ``avgpool`` # and ``fc`` layers replaced with ``nn.Identity`` module). cnn = model.visual.cnn The pretrained ResNet-50 visual backbone of our best performing model (``width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml``) can be loaded in a single line, *without following any installation steps* (only requires PyTorch v1.5): .. code-block:: python import torch model = torch.hub.load("kdexd/virtex", "resnet50", pretrained=True) # This is a torchvision-like resnet50 model, with ``avgpool`` and ``fc`` # layers replaced with ``nn.Identity`` module. image_batch = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224) # batch tensor of one image. features_batch = model(image_batch) # shape: (1, 2048, 7, 7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretraining Task Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Model Config Name VOC07
Top-1 Acc.
Model URL
task_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 88.7 53.8 model
task_ablations/captioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 88.6 50.8 model
task_ablations/token_classification_R_50.yaml 88.8 48.6 model
task_ablations/multilabel_classification_R_50.yaml 86.2 46.2 model
task_ablations/masked_lm_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 86.4 46.7 model
Width Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Model Config Name VOC07
Top-1 Acc.
Model URL
width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H512.yaml 88.4 51.8 model
width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H768.yaml 88.3 52.3 model
width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 88.3 53.2 model
width_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H2048.yaml 88.7 53.8 model
Depth Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Model Config Name VOC07
Top-1 Acc.
Model URL
depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 88.3 53.2 model
depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L2_H1024.yaml 88.8 53.8 model
depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L3_H1024.yaml 88.7 53.9 model
depth_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L4_H1024.yaml 88.7 53.9 model
Backbone Ablations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html
Model Config Name VOC07
Top-1 Acc.
Model URL
backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50_L1_H1024.yaml 88.3 53.2 model
backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_50W2X_L1_H1024.yaml 88.5 52.9 model
backbone_ablations/bicaptioning_R_101_L1_H1024.yaml 88.7 52.1 model